You are viewing the results for Malmöspelen 2015. View the current results for Malmöspelen 2017 here.

Trelleborgs HBK F05 1

Registration number: 1008
Registrator: Raija Luukkonen Log in
Primary shirt color: Black
Secondary shirt color: Red
Leader: Dejan Andelkovic
Silver medal! Reached second place in A-slutspel
3:rd highest goal count per game among the teams in F05 (16.1)
Highest goal count among all the teams (129)
In addition to the two Trelleborgs teams, 10 other teams played in Flickor 05. They were divided into 2 different groups, whereof Trelleborgs HBK 1 could be found in Group A together with HK Ankaret 1, Staffanstorps HK 2, Ljunghusens HK, Dalhems IF 1 and LUGI 1.

Trelleborgs HBK 1 made it to A-slutspel after reaching 3:rd place in Group A. Once in the playoff they made it all the way to the Final, but lost it against Ljunghusens HK with 10-16. Thereby Trelleborgs HBK 1 finished second in F05 A-slutspel during Malmöspelen 2015.

8 games played


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