You are viewing the results for Malmöspelen 2015. View the current results for Malmöspelen 2017 here.

H43 Lund F06 2


  Nbr Time Arena Home team Result  Away team    
24053406 Sun 24/05 12:00 Sun 24/05 Minihandboll 4 LUGI 2 Finished H43 Lund 2    
24053412 Sun 24/05 14:30 Sun 24/05 Minihandboll 4 H43 Lund 2 Finished HK Ankaret 2    
24053414 Sun 24/05 15:30 Sun 24/05 Minihandboll 4 Dalhems IF Finished H43 Lund 2    

Group B

  Team #
LUGI 2 3
H43 Lund 2 3
HK Ankaret 2 3
Dalhems IF 3
# = Games Played