You are viewing the results for Malmöspelen 2015. View the current results for Malmöspelen 2017 here.

Kävlinge HK P02 1

Registration number: 1017
Registrator: Henrik Östling Log in
Primary shirt color: Orange
Secondary shirt color: Blue
Leader: Henrik Östling
Mattias Svensson
Gold medal! Won the entire A-slutspel! Congratulations!
3:rd highest goal count per game among the teams in P02 (11.6)
2:nd highest goal count among the teams in P02 (70)
In addition to the two Kävlinge teams, 8 other teams played in Pojkar 02. They were divided into 2 different groups, whereof Kävlinge HK 1 could be found in Group B together with IFK Malmö Handboll 1, Ljunghusens HK, LUGI 2 and Eslövs HF.

Kävlinge HK 1 made it to A-slutspel after reaching 1:st place in Group B. Once in the playoff they won every match inluding the Final against Kävlinge HK 2, which they won with 10-8. Thereby Kävlinge HK 1 won the entire A-slutspel in Pojkar 02 during Malmöspelen 2015.

6 games played


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