You are viewing the results for Malmöspelen 2014. View the current results for Malmöspelen 2017 here.

H43 Lund P01 3

Registration number: 1010
Registrator: Pernilla Bjerseth Log in
Primary shirt color: Blue
Secondary shirt color: White
Leader: Ami Nilsson
Mats A Andersson
Silver medal! Reached second place in A-slutspel
2:nd highest goal count per game among the teams in P01 (14.7)
2:nd highest goal count among the teams in P01 (59)
In addition to the three H43 Lund teams, 2 other teams played in Pojkar 01.

H43 Lund 3 made it to A-slutspel after reaching 2:nd place in Group A. Once in the playoff they made it all the way to the Final, but lost it against H43 Lund 2 with 11-12. Thereby H43 Lund 3 finished second in P01 A-slutspel during Malmöspelen 2014.

4 games played


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